JFK and the Unspeakable

JFK the Unspeakable


“I know that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has endorsed the wonderful book by Jim Douglass, ‘JFK and the Unspeakable’—I’ve been talking about this book for several years.  It’s a great up-to-date primer on what really happened.” ~ Oliver Stone

Did we kill JFK?


As time goes on, people forget the most controversial and unanswered event of the 20th century.

Who really killed JFK? Was it Oswald? A lone gunman who had terrible aim? A magic bullet?

Were there more people involved? How about the CIA? FBI? Mafia? George Bush?


Why was Oswald really shot? Was it to shut him up because he was about to reveal the truth? That he was a patsy?

Lee_Harvey_Oswald_being_shot_by_Jack_Ruby_as_Oswald_is_being_moved_by_police,_1963We’ve seen movies touching on this. Books. Documentaries, and still have no solid answer. Why? A country that is known for its secrets and cover-ups has kept this one hidden so far underground, it is almost impossible to dig it out.

But with every lie. With every deceitful act, there is the truth. The truth will be revealed. It is always revealed, eventually. So many so-called conspiracy theories changed from theory to fact in the last 50 years or more. We are the truth seekers and fact finders. As of now, it is up to us as human beings to form our own opinions. We have facts. We have evidence. Now we wait.